Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Dec 12 Meeting: Open Discussion

Don't miss the December 12th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM

WHEN:  Monday, December 12th from 6:45 till 9:00 pm

TOPIC: Open Discussion

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.

Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


This Month: Open Discussion

We are celebrating the Holidays!
Wear your favorite Holiday sweater/garb.
Bring your questions and concerns for help and discussion.

Last Month: Open Discussion

We discussed the future programs to be announced in the January 2023 newsletter.


Zoom Meeting Access

San Diego Insulin Pumpers December 12 Meeting on Zoom (‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699
Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:
+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#
Enter # for Participant ID if asked
Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.




Purpose: To test the effect a glucagon receptor antagonist (GRA), essentially a glucagon blocker, has on insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular health in people with type 1 diabetes.

Study Drug: REMD-477, 35mg in 0.5mL of normal saline, given subcutaneously at the clinic once a week for 10-12 weeks. This study has a placebo, so you have 50% chance of getting the study drug and 50% of getting placebo.

Study Length: Approximately 3.5 months with 15-17 total visits to the research clinic.

Main Procedures: Physical exam, vital signs, blood collection, cardiovascular tests, insulin sensitivity test, and insulin withdrawal test. The FMD and EndoPAT cardiovascular tests measure the health of your blood vessels.  The FMD uses an ultrasound to measure an artery in your upper arm and the EndoPAT measures the health of your capillaries in your fingers.  Both tests are non-invasive and each takes between 15-25 minutes. The insulin sensitivity test (also called a clamp) measures your body's response to different rates of insulin infusion and takes about 8 hours. We'll put in two IVs to give you insulin, dextrose, and draw your blood. The insulin withdrawal test measures your ketones over 6-8 hours after we suspend your insulin. We'll put in one IV to monitor blood sugars and ketones. You'll be in a private room, resting in a regular hospital bed during the testing.

Payment: $50 for the screening, $300 for the insulin sensitivity Visit 1, $300 for the cardiovascular Visit 1 and dose 1, $50 for the weekly dosing visits, $200 for the cardiovascular Visit 2, $300 for the insulin sensitivity Visit 2, $300 for the Insulin withdrawal Visit 1 and $50 for the final safety follow-up visit (up to $1800).


Erin Giovannetti MSN, FNP-C
Office (858) 246-2169
Cell (949) 698- 2169

Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI)
9452 Medical Center Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037




Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and hypoglycemic unawareness at:


Taking Control Of Your Diabetes | Life With Diabetes Just Got Better

Transforming the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and events.

Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP (Advanced Placement Sessions). They will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience. They recently dropped a new video. Check it out!

TCOYD also has a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on their website on the page Online Resources under Video Vault at this address - Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have put several new videos up to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes.  There are also videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.

Upcoming TCOYD Events

10 Dec 2022: Virtual Happy Diabetes Festivus
18-20 August 2023: In Person One Conference, 2023 at Paradise Point Resort


Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions at:


Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!


Look Out for Fake Websites

Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid:

The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, bookmark our site.


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2 minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.


2022 Pumper Programs

12 Dec:  Open Discussion 

Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events as they are announced.


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Nov 14th Meeting: Open Discussion

Don't miss the November 14th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM!

WHEN:  Monday, November 14th, from 6:45 till 9:00 pm

TOPIC: Open Discussion

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.

Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.

This Month: Open Discussion

Bring your questions and concerns for help and discussion.
Think about possible speakers and topics for our 2023 meetings.

Last Month: Medicare Insurance Plans

Kim Wetzel, Medicare Insurance Specialist with Bridlewood Insurance, presented an overview of the three types of traditional Medicare Medigap supplemental  plans and the  Medicare Advantage plans available for the Scripts, Sharp, and UCSD hospital groups. Kim shared her presentation with us and we've posted it for you on our blog.

Each hospital group has a separate "page" that contains the plans the group offers.

The "Medicare Insurance Specialists" page lists Kim's contact information.

To determine if your medications are included in an insurance plan, you can email to Kim your medication list with your frequency of use (how many times per day). Or, you can go to the website, click Tools, look up Plans and Providers, click Drugs, then zip code. Enter your medications to determine which plans cover your meds and what tier for cost information.

Kim can meet with you in person to go through the plans and help you sign up with the plan of your choice. She let us know that if, after the open-enrollment period of October 15th - December 7th ends, you decide you don't like the plan you selected, an additional enrollment period of January 1st - March 31st is available. You can change to a 5-star plan anytime during the year.

Zoom Meeting Access

San Diego Insulin Pumpers November 14 Meeting on Zoom (‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699
Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:
+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#
Enter # for Participant ID if asked
Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will monitor his email during the meeting and will walk you through any trouble spots. Email him at

WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website. Once logged in, go to the  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials for information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.


Transforming the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and events.

New on the TCOYD website Access and Resource Center

Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP (Advanced Placement Sessions) and new sessions will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience. They recently dropped a new video. Check it out!

Taking Control Of Your Diabetes | Life With Diabetes Just Got Better

You can find a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the TCOYD website on the page Online Resources under Video Vault at this address:

Dr. Edelman and Dr. Pettus have put up several new videos to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. There are also videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.

Upcoming TCOYD Events

2022 10 Dec: Virtual Happy Diabetes Festival
2023 18-20 Aug: In-Person One Conference at Paradise Point Resort


Diabetic Information Sources

Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at

Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions at

Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, and factual information, let us know!

Look Out for Fake Websites

Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.
• Valid:
The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site. Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, Bookmark our site.

Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.
2.  Tom will present his 2-minute tip
3.  Evening presentation
4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up. Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.
If you need more clarification, some members may be available in person after the meeting.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bar. Click on the Clap icon or the Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback. Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.

2022 Pumper Programs

Dec 12:  Open Discussion and Ideas for 2023 programs

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Oct 10th Meeting: Medicare Insurance ABCD's, Part 2

Don't miss the October 10th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM!

WHAT:  Monday, October 10th from 6:45 till 9:00 pm
TOPIC: Medicare 2023 Insurance Plan Options

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.

Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.

This Month: Medicare Insurance ABCD's, Part 2

Kim Wetzel, Medicare Insurance Specialist, Bridlewood Insurance, will discuss the individual plans offered in 2023 as open enrollment will have started. This is a must-attend meeting for all who are on Medicare. Kim will educate us on the different types of Medicare plans with each Hospital Group. This is your opportunity to choose  a Medicare insurance plan that will work best for you. Medicare open enrollment is October 15th through December 7th.

Last Month: Medicare Insurance ABCD's, Part 1

Kim Wetzel, Medicare Insurance Specialist, Bridlewood Insurance, presented an overview of the A B C D's of Medicare. Kim went through the different types of Medicare plans and the pros and cons of each. The key decision to make when you start Medicare is choosing between tradition Medicare or an Advantage plan. 

Traditional Medicare has Parts A & B plus C (gap coverage) and D (drug coverage). Traditional plans are the most flexible allowing you to choose a doctor or medical facility anywhere in the US. Advantage plans are usually HMOs which offer more extra benefits such as vision and dental plans along with acupuncture, chiropractors and gym memberships. 

Advantage Plans limit you to services in the county you live in and one hospital group. For most hospital groups that offer Advantage Plans there are 2-4 Insurance companies that will offer plans to compare with. This is why a full-service insurance agent will be helpful for navigating what plan works best with your medical needs. Kim shared her presentation with us and we will post it on our blog so you can refer to it.

Zoom Meeting Access

San Diego Insulin Pumpers October 10 Meeting on Zoom (‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM)
Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699
Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:
+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#
Enter # for Participant ID if asked
Passcode: 220374#
If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .
WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.


Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at

Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP (Advanced Placement Sessions). They will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience.  They recently dropped a new video, check it out!

Taking Control Of Your Diabetes | Life With Diabetes Just Got Better

Transforming the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and event...

Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions

Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at

Look Out for Fake Websites

Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.
• Valid:
• FAKE: The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, Bookmark our site.

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!

You can find a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the TCOYD website on the page Online Resources under Video Vault at this address -

Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have put several new videos up to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. There are also videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.
2.  Tom will present his 2 minute tip
3.  Evening presentation
4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.
Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of the person speaking. We will MUTE those that interrupt! You can use a text chat window to hold side conversations while someone is speaking. There is a feedback window on the bar.

Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback. Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.

Future Pump Club meetings will be via ZOOM until further notice.


Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Sept 12th Meeting: Medicare Insurance ABCDs

Don't miss the September 12th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM

What:  Monday, September 12th from 6:45 till 9:00 pm

Topic: Medicare Insurance ABCDs

As always, significant others, friends, and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


This Month: Medicare Insurance ABCDs

Kim Wetzel, Medicare Insurance Specialist, Bridlewood Insurance, will present the ABCDs of Medicare as the first part of a two-part presentation. Kim will educate us on the different types of Medicare plans and the pros and cons of each. This is your opportunity to learn how to choose a Medicare insurance plan that will work best for you. Learn why having a full-service Medicare insurance agent help you select a plan that works for you.

Kim will present Part 2 at our October 10th meeting. She will discuss the individual plans offered in 2023 as open enrollment will have started. This is a must-attend meeting for all who are on Medicare.

Last Month: Our open discussion topics included requesting the Dexcom Sensors through the Dexcom G6 App. Don't want to call customer service? Use the G6 App to request replacement sensors and resolve other issues. Go to settings on the App, then Contacts, Click on Report an Issue and fill out Product Support Request form. You can also request Overpatches by just clicking on the form. To control your alarm volume on the App go to Settings, then Alerts and chose which sound volume you prefer for alarms. For those whose pump warranty is close to expiring, contact the manufacturer's inside sales department at least two months before your warranty is to expire. Don't wait to the last minute, even in case of insurance issues. This is especially important with pumps that get regular software downloads. An out-of-warranty pump may not qualify for a software upgrade.


Zoom Meeting Access

San Diego Insulin Pumpers September 12 Meeting on Zoom

‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at

Wealso STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.



TCOYD Sept 10th  Virtual One Conference. Don't forget to register for this Free event!

Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at

Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP (Advanced Placement Sessions). The sessions will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience. They recently dropped a new video, so check it out!

Taking Control Of Your Diabetes | Life With Diabetes Just Got Better

Transforming the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and event...

Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions

Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at

Be on the lookout for fake websites.  Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid:


The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, Bookmark our site.

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!

There is also a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the TCOYD website on the page Online Resources under Video Vault at this address - Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have put several new videos up to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes.  There are also videos from previous online conferences.  Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2-minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.


Sunday, July 31, 2022

Future Meetings


August 8th Meeting: Open Discussion

 Don't miss the August 8th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM

WHAT:  Monday, August 8th from 6:45 till 9:00pm

TOPIC: Open Discussion

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


This Month: Open Discussion

Bring your questions and concerns for help and discussion. 

LAST MONTH: Open Discussion topics including requesting the Dexcom overpatch when contacting their customer service for replacement sensors and other issues. Also, if you have celiac‘s disease, you can purchase a portable food-testing device that can check for gluten in the items in your kitchen. This will help prevent any reactions from gluten. We also discussed alternate sites for sensors and infusion sets. The most used sites were upper buttocks, upper arms, rib cage area, and thighs.


Zoom Meeting Access

San Diego Insulin Pumpers August 8 Meeting on Zoom

"Doors" open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.

Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions. We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2 minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Zoom Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.



Attention Pumpers on Medicare! We will be having a two-part program on how to navigate Medicare at our September 12th and October 10th meetings. Kim Wetzel who was referred to us by a fellow pumper will educate us at our September 12 meeting on the ABCD’s of the different types of Medicare plans and the pros and cons of each. At our October 10th meeting Kim will be able to discuss the individual plans offered in 2023 as open enrollment will have started. This is your opportunity to learn how to choose  a Medicare insurance plan that will work best for you. Learn why having a full service Medicare insurance agent help you select a plan can save you from choosing the wrong plan.

JDRF Info. Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at

Nostalgic for Diabetes Camp? An adult version is available. Registration includes food, accommodations, and all programming for the weekend. Get in touch with your rustic, outdoorsy side on a hike or paddle, or kick it back by the campfire for a s’more at SoCal Slipstream. The weekend will be full of hands-on, diabetes-themed workshops, as well as group discussions where we can share our collective diabetes knowledge. Don’t miss out!

Friday September 9, 2022 - Sunday September 11, 2022

Camp Conrad Chinnock. 4700 Jenks Lake Rd E. Angelus Oaks, CA 92305

>>> Join the Facebook Event to connect with other attendees, set up carpooling, or share travel plans! <<<


• Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP (Advanced Placement Sessions). They will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience.  They recently dropped a new video—check it out!

• The TCOYD website has a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the page Online Resources under Video Vault at this address - Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have put several new videos up to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. There are also videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.

Omni Pod 5 Info. In-depth coverage on new FDA-cleared Omni Pod 5 as 1st tubeless closed loop pump. Pricing, availability, product detail, #DOC excitement... but also concern about pharmacy-only access.

ADA Info. Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions

Fake Websites. Be on the lookout for fake websites.  Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid:


The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, Bookmark our site.

Keep us informed! Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters. Distance doesn't matter. If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!


2022 Pumper Programs

8/8      Open Discussion

9/12    Kim Wetzel Medicare Insurance Specialist Pt 1 Medicare ABCD of Medicare

10/10  Kim Wetzel Medicare Insurance Specialist Pt 2 2023 Medicare Insurance Plan Options

Future Pump Club meetings will be via ZOOM until further notice.

Upcoming Events


8/17   1pm Latest Diabetes Tech

9/10   Virtual One Conference

Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events as they are announced.


Note: Email distribution of the newsletter will resume in September.


Saturday, July 9, 2022

July 11th Meeting: Open Discussion

Don't miss the July 11th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM!

WHAT:  Monday, July 11th from 6:45 till 9:00 pm

TOPIC: Open Discussion

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting. Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


This Month: Open Discussion

Bring your questions and concerns for help and discussion.

For those who attended the TCOYD virtual conference on June 18th, please share the segments you liked best or that had great information you'd like to share.

LAST MONTH: Our Open Discussion topics included features of the Sugarmate cell-phone app that consolidates information from your Dexcom and Tandem pump and displays it on your cell phone. Important features: You can program the Sugarmate app to call your phone when it sees you're going low (this is helpful for when you sleep through a pump alarm). Sugarmate can also add Dexcom information to the calendar on Apple watches (version 4 and above).


Zoom Meeting Access

San Diego Insulin Pumpers July 11 Meeting on Zoom 

‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will monitor his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at:

We also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say while leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2-minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up. Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end-time.

Some members may be available in person after the meeting, so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking. We will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via text in a chat window. You can also use the feedback window on the bottom bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback. The window may look different depending on which method you use to join the meeting.



JDRF Virtual Sessions 

Visit these sessions to learn about new developments and hypoglycemic unawareness at

16th Annual Diabetes Forum

Panel Discussion: Wednesday, July 13, 2022

7:00 PM ET/4:00 PM PT

Join this broadcast for an enlightening panel discussion which will cover the hottest topics in diabetes, including advances in CGM, automated insulin delivery (AID), T2D remission, T1D cures, telehealth, health equity, and the importance of diversity in clinical trials.

You’ll hear five expert panelists (details below) discuss these and other breaking developments from the 82nd Annual ADA Scientific Sessions, the world’s largest diabetes conference that just took place in New Orleans.

Register today to hear from some of the brightest and most influential voices in diabetes, co-moderated by Dr. Steve Edelman (TCOYD) and Kelly Close (diaTribe, Close Concerns, and DQ&A). Register today!

Diabetes Camp

Nostalgic for Diabetes Camp? An adult version is available. See information below.

Registration includes food, accommodations, and all programming for the weekend.

Get in touch with your rustic, outdoorsy side on a hike or paddle, or kick back by the campfire for a s’more at SoCal Slipstream. The weekend will be full of hands-on, diabetes-themed workshops, as well as group discussions where all can share their collective diabetes knowledge. Don’t miss out!

Friday September 9, 2022 - Sunday September 11, 2022

Camp Conrad Chinnock

4700 Jenks Lake Road East

Angelus Oaks, CA 92305

Join the Facebook Event to connect with other attendees, set up carpooling, or share travel plans!

TCOYD Videos

Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP (Advanced Placement Sessions). They will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience.  They recently dropped a new video. Check it out!

OmniPod 5 

In-depth coverage on new FDA-cleared OmniPod 5 as the first tubeless closed-loop pump is now available. Pricing, availability, product detail, #DOC excitement—but also concern about pharmacy-only access.

82nd ADA Scientific Sessions

Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions here:

JDRF Virtual Sessions

Visit the JDRF virtual sessions about new developments and hypoglycemic unawareness here:

Fake Website

Be on the lookout for a fake website. Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid:


The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site. Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, Bookmark our site.

Do You Know About Other Sources of T1D Information?

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter. If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information from them, let us know!


There is also a wealth of diabetes and pumping information on the TCOYD website on the page Online Resources under Video Vault at this address:

Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have posted several new videos to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. They also have ideos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


2022 Pumper Programs

8/8   Open Discussion

Future Pump Club meetings will be via ZOOM until further notice.

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events.


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Thursday, June 9, 2022

June 13th Meeting: Open Discussion

 Don't miss the next meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM!

WHAT:  Monday, June 13th from 6:45 till 9:00 pm

TOPIC: Open Discussion

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


This Month: Open Discussion.

Bring your questions and concerns for help and discussion.

LAST MONTH:  Connor Mariani, OmniPod Territory Manager and Lauren Weiler MS, RD, CDE, CNSC, and ADEPT Certified Clinical Services Manager of Insulet Corporation updated us on the newly released OmniPod 5. The OmniPod 5 with Dexcom 6 sensor is now available. The Pods contains the algorithm for the  pump and can be controlled by the controller or your android phone. Use with Apple phones will be available soon. The Pump predicts blood sugars 60 minutes into the future and micro boluses every 5 minutes instead of using a basil rate. Available through your Pharmacy benefit program. Contact Connor Mariani with any questions or help at 862-219-0734.


Zoom Meeting Access

San Diego Insulin Pumpers June 13 Meeting on Zoom

‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

We also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2-Minute Tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bottom bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.



Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP (Advanced Placement Sessions) to have these programs emailed to you to watch at your convenience. They recently dropped a new video—check it out!

In-depth coverage on new FDA-cleared OmniPod 5 as the first tubeless closed loop pump. Pricing, availability, product detail, #DOC excitement... but also concern about pharmacy-only access.

Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions

Be on the lookout for fake websites.  Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid:


The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site. Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, bookmark our site.

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!

There is also a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the TCOYD website on the page Online Resources under Video Vault at this address: Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have put several new videos up to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. There are also videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.

See our website for details of studies and other diabetes information of interest: ^^^^^^^^^^

Future Pump Club meetings will be via ZOOM until further notice.


Upcoming Events

TCOYD June 18th is the next virtual Health Fair.  It starts at 9am.

Sign up for this FREE event on the website.


Thursday, May 5, 2022

May 9th Meeting: Insulet Corporation – OmnPod Pumps

Don't miss the May 9th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM

WHEN:  Monday, May 9th from 6:45 till 9:00pm

TOPIC: Insulet Corporation – OmnPod Pumps

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


THIS MONTH: Connor Mariani, OmniPod Territory Manager and Lauren Weiler MS, RD, CDE, CNSC, ADEPT, Certified Clinical Services Manager of Insulet Corporation, will speak about the latest regarding OmniPod Pumps.

Omnipod offers waterproof, concealable insulin management through pod therapy. An alternative to traditional insulin pumps, pod therapy consists of two primary parts: the tubeless Pod and the handheld Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM), kept nearby to wirelessly program insulin delivery. No multiple daily injections, tubes, or tangles to hold you back.

In this presentation, they will briefly review the two systems available on the market: Omnipod Eros and Omnipod Dash. They will then take a deeper dive into Omnipod 5, the first tubeless automated insulin delivery system that just received FDA clearance.

LAST MONTH:  Kerri Orr San Diego Territory Manager spoke about the Tandem Pump features. For an extra layer of pump security use the Security Password Pin. This feature is found under Options, then scroll to the 2nd page to device Settings. On the 2nd page you'll find the security pin feature to turn on. A new Mobile Boss feature to operate your pump with a Phone App is expected for use this summer. Tandem will email Tandem owners with information to download the software. Using exercise mode for surgery or for when eating during events isn't an option. Rebecca Ponchetti is new Clinical Support working with Kerri. Contact Rebecca if you have questions or problems with your Tandem pump. Email or phone 760-330-3789 during business hours.


Zoom Meeting Access

San Diego Insulin Pumpers May 9 Meeting on Zoom
Doors open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his two-minute tip.

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bottom bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.

Future Pump Club meetings will be via ZOOM until further notice.



• The JDRF TypeOneNation Virtual Summit offers interesting recorded online presentations. For example, one such presentation was The Psychological Side of Diabetes Technology, presented by Korey Hood, Ph.D., Stanford University School of Medicine. You can find these recorded presentations at The JDRF TypeOneNation Virtual Summit website.

• Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP ( Advanced Placement Sessions). They will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience.

• In-depth coverage is becoming available on thenew FDA-cleared Omnipod 5 as the first tubeless closed loop pump. Pricing, availability, product detail, #DOC excitement... but also concern about pharmacy-only access. For more information, go to

• Be on the lookout for a fake website. Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names. The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, Bookmark our site.

     - Valid:

     - FAKE:

• Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!

• You can finde a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the TCOYD website. Go to the  Online Resources page under Video Vault at this address: Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have several new videos there to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. They also have videos from previous online conferences.  Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.

• TCOYD June 18th is the next virtual Health Fair.  It starts at 9 am. Sign up for this FREE event on the website.


Monday, April 11, 2022

April 11th Meeting: Kerri Orr about Tandem's New Mobile Boss Feature

Don't miss the April 11th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM

WHAT:  Monday, April 11th from 6:45 till 9:00 pm

TOPIC: Tandem Pumps - Kerri Orr San Diego Territory Manager will speak about the Tandem New Mobile Boss feature and other products Tandem is working on.

Don't miss this meeting!

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


THIS MONTH: Kerri Orr San Diego Territory Manager will speak about the Tandem New Mobile Boss feature and other products Tandem is working on. This is your opportunity to have any Tandem Pump questions answered from a Tandem Rep that uses the pump.

LAST MONTH: Open Discussion: Thank's to Tom for his Tech updates. Topics included making sure your pump has the last software version. Tandem is currently on Moonlight v7.4. Go to the Tandem website if you need to update your pump software.

The SugarMate App is useful for waking you up if you sleep through low alert alarms. It can be programmed to phone you. Check the Security of all electronic devices to prevent being hacked. This includes Computers, Phones, Printers and Pumps.

Other topics discussed included Kidney health, pay attention to your blood pressure numbers, and Micro Albumin test results. Watch protein and sodium intake. is a good website for salt free seasonings.


San Diego Insulin Pumpers April 11 Meeting on Zoom ‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM.

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

We also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.



In-depth coverage on new FDA-cleared Omnipod 5 as the first tubeless closed loop pump. Pricing, availability, product detail, #DOC excitement... but also concern about pharmacy-only access.

Be on the lookout for a fake website.  Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid:


The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, Bookmark our site.

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!

There is also a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the TCOYD website on the page Online Resources under Video Vault at this address - Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have put several new videos up to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes.  There are also videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2 minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bottom bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.


Thursday, March 10, 2022

March 14th Meeting: Open Discussion + Tech Tips

 Don't miss the March 14th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM!

WHAT:  Monday, March 14th from 6:45 till 9:00 pm

TOPICS: Open Discussion – Plus – Tom will surprise us with a Tech Topic of interest!

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


This Month

Open Discussion: Bring your questions and concerns for help and discussion. Starting in 2022, we are adding a topic for discussion in addition to any questions and concerns Pumpers wish to talk about. The March topic is  Tech Talk with Tom Fitzpatrick.


Last Month

Our Open Discussion topics included Insulin, COVID, long-haul symptoms, and Celiac Disease. We discussed two suggestions to help you stockpile medications and pump supplies:  1) to help build up your emergency supply, contact pharmacy benefits at your insurance to learn the earliest dates your prescriptions can be refilled, and 2) ask your doctor to specify larger quantities on your prescriptions for pump supplies.


For the 2022 Pump Club Speaker schedule, click the Our Future Meetings link to the right.

How to Attend the Meeting via Zoom

"Doors" open at 6:45 PM; meeting starts at 7 PM

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial-in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

We also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.

Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his two-minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Respect the person speaking. We will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bottom bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.


Omnipod 5

Go to the link below for in-depth coverage on the new FDA-cleared Omnipod 5, the first tubeless closed-loop pump. The link includes pricing, availability, product detail, and #DOC excitement, but also concerns about pharmacy-only access.

TCOYD Saturday March 19th Virtual Conference

"We've Got You Covered!"

Register for FREE at

Time: 8 AM to 1:30 PM

Log in early so you see the program and decide what you want to attend before it starts!

The TCOYD Website

The TCOYD website has a wealth of diabetes and pumping information on the page Online Resources under Video Vault at this address:

Dr. Edelman and Dr. Pettus continually post new videos to help you improve your blood sugars and cope with diabetes. You'll also find videos from their previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you'll probably find a video that addresses it.

Help Us Help You

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!

WARNING: Fake Websites

Be on the lookout for fake websites. Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid:


Fake sites have hijacked our name and old content from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, bookmark our site.


Sunday, February 6, 2022

February 14th Meeting: Open Discussion About Emergency Supplies

San Diego Insulin Pumpers

Mutual Support - General Discussion - Expert Speakers

All pumpers, companions, and friends welcome!


Don't miss the February 14th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM!

WHAT:  Monday, February 14th from 6:45 till 9:00 pm

TOPIC: Open Discussion - Strategies for stockpiling diabetes supplies and prescription medications.

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


This Month

Open Discussion: Bring your questions and concerns for help and discussion. Starting in 2022 we are adding a topic for discussion in addition to any questions and concerns Pumpers wish to talk about. The February topic is  how to stockpile diabetes supplies and prescription medications.


Last Month

Open discussion topics included kidney disease, managing diabetes with other illnesses, and HICAP ( Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy), a California organization for seniors who need help with all forms of insurance. The website is  Go to the county you live in and click on link for their local office. Phone: 800-434-0222.

For short and long-term protection against emergencies, we discussed creating GoBags and Emergency Caches.  


A GoBag is a short-term emergency stash of supplies to keep with you. It should have a 3-7 day supply, depending on your comfort level. The diabetes travel cases made by Wherever EuGo make creating a GoBag easy. They include Frio cool packs that keep insulin cold.

Emergency Cache

An Emergency Cache is stored at a different location from your home for access during major emergencies when you can't get home. You could store your cache with a family member, a close friend, where you work, or at your church.

Below is a list of basic supplies to put in your emergency cache. It should have a 2-4 week supply based on your management protocols. 

Cache Contents

1) Insulin in vials or pens, Afrezza, and syringes with needles.

2) Blood sugar meter with test strips, Ketone meter, lancets, and backup batteries.

3) Alcohol wipes, hand sanitizer, and sharps container.

4) Glucose (tablets or liquid), and a Glucagon kit (spray or Gvoke HypoPen).

5) Pump supplies, infusion sets, cartridges with syringes, or pods.

6) Skin barriers/adhesive products (i.e., Tagaderm, Mepore film, etc., skin tact, and paper tape.

7) CGM sensors, transmitters, and related supplies.

8) Plug-in chargers for diabetes devices, a large battery charger (the Halo Bolt lasts over 8 hours), or a smaller battery charger.

9) Regular batteries.

10) Prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements.

11) Non-perishable food supplies and water.

12) Miscellaneous toiletries, first-aid kit, soap, shampoo, sun screen, and toilet paper.

13) Cooler and cool packs for insulin.

14) Documents: ID, insurance card, prescriptions, cash, and an emergency-contact list. Consider including your medication list and your medical history to share with medical personnel.

Keep your Emergency Cache up-to-date by switching out perishable items when you receive new supplies.

**Check out for great suggestions**

Note: Click the link Stockpiling Emergency Supplies to the right to see these lists on a separate page. Please post your additions, improvements, and corrections in the Comments block at the bottom so we can continually make this list more valuable.


Click on the link to the right for the Pump Club Speaker schedule for 2022.

All future Pump Club meetings will be held via ZOOM until further notice.


How to Attend the Meeting via Zoom

"Doors" open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at

WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.

Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2 minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bottom bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.



• In-depth coverage is available about the new FDA-cleared Omnipod 5 as the first tubeless closedloop system. Pricing, availability, product detail, #DOC excitement, but also concern about pharmacy-only access.

• Be on the lookout for a fake website.  Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid: • FAKE: The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, Bookmark our site.

• Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!

• The TCOYD website has a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on on their Video Vault page at this address:

• Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have put several new videos up to help you improve your blood sugars.  There are also videos from previous online conferences.  Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


Saturday, January 8, 2022

January 10th Meeting: Open Discussion

San Diego Insulin Pumpers

Mutual Support - General Discussion - Expert Speakers

All pumpers, companions, and friends welcome!

Don't miss the January 10th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM

WHAT:  January 10th meeting

WHEN: Monday, January 10th from 6:45 till 9:00pm

TOPIC: Open Discussion — Emphasis on Emergency Preparedness

THIS MONTH: Open Discussion

Bring your questions and concerns for help and discussion. Starting in 2022 we are adding a topic for discussion in addition to any questions and concerns Pumpers wish to talk about. Please share any topics you would like to have an in-depth discussion on at the January meeting.

In January we will start the year with the topic of our emergency supplies — what to include and where we keep them.


Last Month

A lively open discussion included ordering insulin from Canada. Check out the recommended website:

We also discussed using medications past their expiration dates, Juicebox podcasts, and being our own advocate for the best diabetes care.

Check the Pump Club Speaker schedule for 2022 below.


This Month

San Diego Insulin Pumpers January 10 Meeting on Zoom

‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM.

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2 minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.


Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bottom bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.

PLASE READ PAST THE FIRST PAGE TO LEARN ABOUT FUTURE PROGRAMS. Details of studies and other diabetes information of interest will now be on our website ^^^^^^^^^^

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.



Nothing new this month.

Be on the lookout for a fake website. 

Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid:

• FAKE: The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, Bookmark our site.

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!

There is also a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the TCOYD website on the page - Video Vault at this address - Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have put several new videos up to help you improve your blood sugars.  There are also videos from previous online conferences.  Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


2022 Pumper Programs

1/10 Open Discussion

2/14 TBA

3/14 TBA

4/11 Tandem with Kerri Orr

Future Pump Club meetings will be via ZOOM until further notice.
