Pumpers 2025 Holiday Dinner
When: Monday 08 December 2024
Where: Elijah's Restaurant
Where: Elijah's Restaurant
7061 Clairemont Mesa Blvd
San Diego CA 92111
Time: 5:00 to 8:30 PM
Please RSVP by 06 December to Margi: margit7@att.net
TCOYD’s interactive and immersive virtual conference and health fair experiences are UNLIKE ANYTHING you’ve seen before. With CUTTING-EDGE diabetes education, INSPIRING speakers, MOTIVATING workshops, EMPOWERING educational lectures, and HUMOR—including TCOYD original songs written and performed by TCOYD staff to keep you laughing—we’re more than just another webinar. Don’t miss out on live interaction with our expert speakers and our awesome exhibitors in the health fair showcasing the latest in diabetes tech, info and support. Plus the opportunity to connect and make new friends from around the world who totally get you. You’ll end the day feeling lighter, brighter and glad you spent your day with TCOYD!
Go to tcoyd.org for more information.