Thursday, May 5, 2022

May 9th Meeting: Insulet Corporation – OmnPod Pumps

Don't miss the May 9th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM

WHEN:  Monday, May 9th from 6:45 till 9:00pm

TOPIC: Insulet Corporation – OmnPod Pumps

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


THIS MONTH: Connor Mariani, OmniPod Territory Manager and Lauren Weiler MS, RD, CDE, CNSC, ADEPT, Certified Clinical Services Manager of Insulet Corporation, will speak about the latest regarding OmniPod Pumps.

Omnipod offers waterproof, concealable insulin management through pod therapy. An alternative to traditional insulin pumps, pod therapy consists of two primary parts: the tubeless Pod and the handheld Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM), kept nearby to wirelessly program insulin delivery. No multiple daily injections, tubes, or tangles to hold you back.

In this presentation, they will briefly review the two systems available on the market: Omnipod Eros and Omnipod Dash. They will then take a deeper dive into Omnipod 5, the first tubeless automated insulin delivery system that just received FDA clearance.

LAST MONTH:  Kerri Orr San Diego Territory Manager spoke about the Tandem Pump features. For an extra layer of pump security use the Security Password Pin. This feature is found under Options, then scroll to the 2nd page to device Settings. On the 2nd page you'll find the security pin feature to turn on. A new Mobile Boss feature to operate your pump with a Phone App is expected for use this summer. Tandem will email Tandem owners with information to download the software. Using exercise mode for surgery or for when eating during events isn't an option. Rebecca Ponchetti is new Clinical Support working with Kerri. Contact Rebecca if you have questions or problems with your Tandem pump. Email or phone 760-330-3789 during business hours.


Zoom Meeting Access

San Diego Insulin Pumpers May 9 Meeting on Zoom
Doors open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his two-minute tip.

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bottom bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.

Future Pump Club meetings will be via ZOOM until further notice.



• The JDRF TypeOneNation Virtual Summit offers interesting recorded online presentations. For example, one such presentation was The Psychological Side of Diabetes Technology, presented by Korey Hood, Ph.D., Stanford University School of Medicine. You can find these recorded presentations at The JDRF TypeOneNation Virtual Summit website.

• Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP ( Advanced Placement Sessions). They will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience.

• In-depth coverage is becoming available on thenew FDA-cleared Omnipod 5 as the first tubeless closed loop pump. Pricing, availability, product detail, #DOC excitement... but also concern about pharmacy-only access. For more information, go to

• Be on the lookout for a fake website. Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names. The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, Bookmark our site.

     - Valid:

     - FAKE:

• Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!

• You can finde a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the TCOYD website. Go to the  Online Resources page under Video Vault at this address: Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have several new videos there to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. They also have videos from previous online conferences.  Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.

• TCOYD June 18th is the next virtual Health Fair.  It starts at 9 am. Sign up for this FREE event on the website.
