Tuesday, February 20, 2018


An Initiative from the American Diabetes Association


A little over a year ago, we launched an initiative to help make insulin affordable. Since then, more than 273,370 people have signed on to this important campaign. And this was just the beginning…

We met with leaders in Congress, provided information to people who need help with insulin costs now, delivered the first round of the petition to Congress, and told our stories in every corner of the nation.

We also convened a working group of people with diabetes and other experts to examine why insulin has become so expensive for so many and have held discussions with multiple stakeholders at all levels of the insulin supply chain Now we are working to develop viable long-term solutions that will make insulin affordable for all who need it.

Here's how you can help keep the momentum going:  

If you haven't already done so, join us by signing the petition at


Share the petition with your friends, family, neighbors—EVERYONE—on social media, by email, and in person. Tell the people in your life why insulin affordability matters to you.

How long will we continue fighting for insulin affordability?

- Until no person is forced to choose between insulin and groceries or a utility bill.

- Until no parent wakes up worrying if they can afford the insulin their child needs that day—and every day that follows.

- Until no grandparent worries about losing a limb because they had to ration insulin.

We have a difficult road ahead, but we will work together until no person lacks the insulin they need. There are millions who rely on insulin to live every day, and we want as many as possible to join our campaign.

Please be sure to sign the petition and encourage everyone you know to sign the petition, too. 

Thank you for your support!

William T. Cefalu, MD 
Chief Scientific, Medical & Mission Officer
American Diabetes Association

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