Thursday, April 8, 2021

April 12th Meeting: Open Discussion


San Diego Insulin Pumpers

Mutual Support - General Discussion - Expert Speakers

All pumpers, companions, and friends welcome!


Don't miss the April 12th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM!

THIS MONTH:  April 12th meeting

WHEN:  Monday, April 12th from 6:45 till 8:00pm

TOPIC:  Open Discussion

THIS MONTH:  Open Discussion We continue to hold our Pumpers meetings via ZOOM in 2021. Bring your questions, issues and comments. For Pumpers having blood sugar or other pump issues, please take a screen shot of your pump/BG issue for sharing with the group.

LAST MONTH: Shores Salter, Omnipod Territory Manager, and Lauren Weiler CDE, Clinical Services Manager, gave a comprehensive presentation of the Omnipod pump. The Omnipod is currently available with the Euros or Dash controller. The 3rd generation Euros uses radio waves and the 4th generation Dash uses Bluetooth technology. To check out an Omnipod contact Shores to request the Promise Program, a 45 day trial. The Omnipod PDM includes the Calorie King for help with carb counting and, with the Dash, can share data with up to 12 people. The Omnipod 5 is expected in the near future and will be partnered with the Dexcom CGM. Our website has the contact information for Shores and Lauren.

After the Omnipod presentation we had a brief open discussion where a very important topic was brought up. When filling out the DMV form do you need to answer YES to the question regarding diabetes and health issues? For a detailed answer check out Kriss Halpern's website:

Kris is a Type 1 lawyer that has discussed this issue at TCOYD events. On his website, scroll down to the end of his home page and you will find Diabetes and DMV articles. Click on the diabetes and license-renewal article to get a legal description of the circumstances required for answering NO to the Health question you think should require a YES. All the DMV articles are very interesting and helpful.

Check the Pump Club Speaker schedule for 2021 at the bottom of the newsletter. John Walsh is our next speaker on May 10th.

San Diego Insulin Pumpers April 12 Meeting (‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM)


Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click this link:

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Or start the Zoom app and enter:

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Or dial in from any phone:

   +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

   +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

   +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374#


ZOOM is available via Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone. Select the largest screen size available for an optimal experience. An audio-only option will be available.

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at

We also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2-minute tip.

3.  Evening presentation.

4.  After the presentation if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting like before so you can get more clarification then.


Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bottom bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.

Bear with us;  we are all learning.  We will figure this out.  We have tried to anticipate and mitigate problems that could arise.  I'm sure there will still be some!!

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.



The next virtual TCOYD conference will be May 1st. Don't forget to register for this free and informative event.

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!



4/12/2021 Open Discussion

5/10/2021 John Walsh

6/14/2021 Open Discussion

7/12/2021 Libre Sensor

8/9/2021 Open Discussion

9/13/2021 Tandem Pumps

10/11/2021 Dexcom

11/8/2021 Open Discussion

Future Pump Club meetings will be via ZOOM until further notice.



The TCOYD 2021 Conference dates are 5/1, 8/7 and 12/11.


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