Monday, December 4, 2023

December 11th Meeting: Pump Club Holiday Dinner at Mimi's Cafe

 Don't miss the December 11th Holiday Dinner of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers!

WHEN:  Monday, December 11th, 5–9 PM

WHERE: Mimi's Café

LOCATION: 5180 Mission Center Rd San Diego, Ca 92108

As always, significant others, any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


Starting  in 2024 we will hold in-person/Zoom hybrid meetings!

We look forward to meeting our local folks in person and seeing our out-of-town folks via Zoom.

WHERE: The Board Room of the Sharp Spectrum Building in Kearny Mesa at 8695 Spectrum Center Drive. The board room has been totally remodeled with new technology updates.

The main entrance is locked at 6 PM so security will buzz us in through the side door off the lobby.

WHEN: 7-9 PM

The room will be open at 6:30 pm for visiting before the meeting.  


THIS MONTH: Holiday Dinner at Mimi's Café at 5180 Mission Center Rd across from the Best Buy on Monday December 11th from 5- 8:30 PM. Please contact Margi at by December 8th to reserve your seat. We will meet in the Vineyard private dining room. This is a drop-in event; family and friends are welcome. Order what you want off the menu (separate checks).

We will have free TCOYD One Conference swag bags along with TCOYD conference T shirts for all attendees.

Tom will be available for technical help with the following issues after dinner: Dexcom G6, Dexcom Follow, SugarMate, Apple Watch and IPhone updates, and installing or setting up Tandem tconnect or t:slim updates on your pump. He will have several computers to help with your updates. Make sure you have your passwords with you.

The donation of Tandem pump supplies, Omni Pod 5 pods, and Novolog insulin will also be available at Mimi's. See the complete list below under Announcements.

LAST MONTH: Kerri Orr (San Diego Territory Manager)  and Rebecca Ponchetti (Clinic Trainer) showed us the newly released Mobi Pump. They both wear the Mobi. It is small enough to fit in the coin pocket of your pants or you can attach it to your clothes with a clip case. You can also wear it in a sleeve attached to your skin.

The Mobi uses a wireless charger, is half the size of the Tandem TSlim pump, and is 7% smaller than an Omni Pod .The cartridge holds 200 units of insulin and has the option of 5 inches of tubing (when worn attached to your skin) or 23 inches of tubing (when not attached). You control it through your IPhone (no Android yet).

In-warranty Tandem pump users can upgrade to a Mobi for $199; contact Tandem for details. Tandem has a free 90-day trial on all its pumps.

The G7 Tandem pump software update has started its limited release. Emails to current users will be sent out in December. In addition to being able to use either the G6 or G7 Dexcom sensor, the update will have a timed setting from 30 minutes to 8 hours in the exercise mode.

Kerri encourages us to call Tandem with any complaints or suggestions regarding the Tandem pump software. They use our feedback to include in changes and updates to the software.

See the Pump Manufacturers > Tandem Pump page for links to Tandem classes and Virtual Office Hours.



Donations Needed

We need financial donations to purchase a connection device to interface with the Spectrum meeting room for our hybrid Zoom meetings. Tom will have more information about the device needed and the cost at the Holiday party. Estimated cost is $100. We are asking for donations to purchase it so our meetings can run seamlessly. Contact Margi 

Emergency Supplies Available 

We have been given the following to distribute to pumpers:

• 15 boxes of Tandem Pump Varisoft Infusion sets

• 4 boxes of Tandem cartridges

• 3 boxes of 5 pens each of Novolog (7/25 expiration). 

• Omni Pod 5 pods (3 boxes of 5 pods each)

* 5 vials of Novolog insulin (4/25 expiration)

• 5 pens of Glargine long-acting insulin (expiration 2/25)

• 1 box of BD Ultra Fine 8mm pen needles

Take this opportunity to add to your emergency supplies.


Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions.

Diabetes Net

John Walsh plans to release the 7th edition of his Pumping Insulin book this fall. Visit his website for updates on the book release at John will speak to the Pump Club in 2024.


Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at


• TCOYD (Taking Control Of Your Diabetes) transforms the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and events.

• Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP ( Advanced Placement Sessions). TCOYD will email you these sessions to watch at your convenience. They frequently drop new videos, so check it out!

• Dr Jeremy Pettus and  the Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI)are looking for participants for future clinical studies. Check out the YouTube video by Dr. Pettus and the below link to add your name to the Study registry. UC San Diego Clinical Diabetes Research Group

• Link for the UC San Diego Clinical Diabetes Research Group:

• You'll find a wealth of diabetes and pumping information on the TCOYD website on the Online Resources page under Video Vault at this address:

• Dr. Edelman and Dr. Pettus have put up many videos to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. They also have videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


2024 Pumper Meetings

08 Jan: Medtronic Pump Update with Luke Bailey

12 Feb: Omni Pod Pump Update w/ Conner Mariani

11 Mar: Tandem Pump Software Update with

     Kerri Orr and Rachael Ponchetti


Upcoming Events

TCOYD One Conference August 16-18th

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information, let us know!

Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events as they are announced.


Friday, November 10, 2023

November 13th Meeting: Tandem Mobi Pump System and G7 Update

 Don't miss the November 13th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers!

WHEN:  Monday, November 13th from 6:45 till 9:00 pm

TOPIC: Kerri Orr San Diego Territory Manager will show us the newly released Mobi Pump and discuss the G7 partnered with the Tandem Pump. 

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


Starting in 2024 we will hold in-person hybrid Zoom meetings!

For those who are local we look forward to seeing you in person and look forward to our out-of-area pumpers joining us via Zoom.

The meetings will be held at the Sharp Spectrum Building in Kearney Mesa. Join us in person at 8695 Spectrum Center Drive from 7–9pm in the Board Room off the lobby or join us through Zoom. The board room has been totally remodeled with new technology updates.

Holiday Dinner!

Plan to attend! See below for details. 


THIS MONTH: Kerri Orr San Diego Territory Manager will show us the newly released Mobi Pump which she is using. Kerri will also have information on the G7 partnered with the Tandem pump. Bring your questions.

LAST MONTH: Kim Wetzel, Medicare Insurance Agent, presented the 2024 Medicare Advantage plans for Sharp, Scripps, and UCSD Hospitals. Her contact information is on the blog along with the Medicare information she presented at the meeting under the Bridalwood Insurance page.


San Diego Insulin Pumpers November 13th Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

We also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.

Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2 minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Zoom Meeting Etiquette

Respect the  person speaking; we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.




Our Holiday Dinner will be held at Mimi's Café at 5180 Mission Center Rd across from the Best Buy on Monday December 11th from 5- 8:30pm. Please contact Margi at by December 8th to reserve your seat. We will be located in the Vineyard private dining room. This is a drop-in event. Family and friends are welcome. Order what you want off the menu; you will have a separate check. We will have TCOYD One conference swag bags for everyone plus TCOYD conference T shirts. After dinner, Tom will be available to help you with your technical issues.

Emergency Supplies Available

If you need supplies, we have the following:

Tandem Pump

  • 15 boxes of Tandem Pump Varisoft Infusion sets 

  • 4 boxes of Tandem T-Loc cartridges

Omnipod 5 

   • 3 boxes of 5 pods each


   • Novolog: 3 boxes of 5 pens each (7/25 expiration date)

   • Novolog: 5 vials (4/25 expiration date)

   • Glargine long-acting insulin: 5 pens

Pen needles

   • 1 box of BD Ultra Fine 8mm Pen needles


Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions.

Diabetes Net

John Walsh plans to release the 7th edition of his Pumping Insulin book this fall. Visit his website for updates on the book release at John will speak to the Pump Club in 2024.


Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at


• TCOYD (Taking Control Of Your Diabetes) transforms the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and events.

• Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP ( Advanced Placement Sessions). TCOYD will email you these sessions to watch at your convenience. They frequently drop new videos, so check it out!

• Dr Jeremy Pettus and  the Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI)are looking for participants for future clinical studies. Check out the YouTube video by Dr. Pettus and the below link to add your name to the Study registry. UC San Diego Clinical Diabetes Research Group

• Link for the UC San Diego Clinical Diabetes Research Group:

• You'll find a wealth of diabetes and pumping information on the TCOYD website on the Online Resources page under Video Vault at this address:

• Dr. Edelman and Dr. Pettus have put up many videos to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. They also have videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


Future Pumper Programs

11 Dec 2023: Holiday Dinner at Mimi's Cafe in Mission Valley

  Time: 5–8:30 pm

  Address: 5180 Mission Center Rd (across from the Best Buy)

08 Jan 2024: Medtronic Pump Update with Luke Bailey


Upcoming Events

TCOYD Virtual Conference Saturday November 18th

Registration is free on the TCOYD website

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information, let us know!

Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events as they are announced.



Tuesday, October 3, 2023

October 9th Meeting: Medicare Insurance Explained

Don't miss the October 9th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers!

WHEN:  Monday, October 9th from 6:45 till 9:00 pm

TOPIC: Kim Wetzel Explains Medicare Insurance

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


THIS MONTH: Kim Wetzel, Medicare Insurance Agent, will present the 2024 Medicare Advantage plans for Sharp, Scripps, and UCSD Hospitals. 

Kim will have information regarding the situation with the Scripps Advantage plans. She will compare all the Advantage plans.

There are a lot of changes this year. Kim will answer your questions about both Traditional and Advantage plans. Kim is also licensed in all of California and other states. 

She has a formulary form for those people who want to have her run their prescription drug lists to see if there is a better fitting plan for their particular  group of medications. If you are interested, please email me so I can pass on your email to Kim so she can email you a fillable form/PURL (personal URL).  

The sooner you email us your prescription list, including medication quantities, you will be able to decide if you want to make any changes.. For medication(s) that are "As Needed", describe what that means to you.  Do you fill the prescription every month, every 3 months, every six months, once a year, etc.?  Each drug plan has a set of "Preferred" pharmacies, which means if your drug plan is switched you may also have to switch your pharmacy to get the lowest copays.

LAST MONTH; Pumpers that attended the ONE Conference all agreed the positive news from the conference was great!. Apparently, Type1's are living longer than non-diabetics since we take better care of our health. Fifty percent of newly diagnosed type 1's are adults. We have more device options than ever and new technology is being developed. We will be hearing about the new Tandem Mobi pump at our November meeting.


San Diego Insulin Pumpers October 9th Zoom Meeting

 (‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

 WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.

Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2 minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Zoom Meeting Etiquette

Respect the  person speaking; we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.




Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions

Diabetes Net

John Walsh plans to release the 7th edition of his Pumping Insulin book this fall. Visit his website for updates on the book release at John will speak to the Pump Club in 2024.


Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at


• TCOYD (Taking Control Of Your Diabetes) transforms the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and events.

• Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP ( Advanced Placement Sessions). TCOYD will email you these sessions to watch at your convenience. They frequently drop new videos, so check it out!

• Dr Jeremy Pettus and  the Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI)are looking for participants for future clinical studies. Check out the YouTube video by Dr. Pettusand the below link to add your name to the Study registry.UC San Diego Clinical Diabetes Research Group

• Link for the UC San Diego Clinical Diabetes Research Group: diabetesresearch

• You'll find a wealth of diabetes and pumping information on the TCOYD website on the Online Resources page under Video Vault at this address:

• Dr. Edelman and Dr. Pettus have put up many videos to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. They also have videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


Future Pumper Programs

09 Oct 2023: Medicare 2024 Insurance plan review with Kim Wetzel

13 Nov 2023: Tandem Pumps with Kerri Orr

11 Dec 2023: Holiday Dinner at Mimi's Cafe in Mission Valley

            Time: 5-8:30 pm

            Address: 5180 Mission Center Rd (across from the Best Buy)

08 Jan 2024: Medtronic Pump Update with Luke Bailey


Upcoming Events

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!

Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events as they are announced.


Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Sept 11th Meeting: ONE Conference Review

Don't miss the September 11th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers!

WHEN:  Monday, September 11th from 6:45 till 9:00 pm

TOPIC: Sharing the events and classes from the ONE Conference.

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


THIS MONTH: Pumpers that attended the ONE Conference will share information from the classes and lectures they attended and the Fellow Pumpers they met and talked with. We will also share videos of Dr Pettus and Eric performing several of their songs.

LAST MONTH: Robert Thomas​, MD ,PhD, UCSD Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, gave a presentation on preventing Chronic Kidney disease.  

Drugs that are beneficial to delaying and maintaining your kidney function are SGLT-1 (Farxiga and and Jardiance); both are approved for Type 2 diabetics. 

Unfortunately for Type1s, because they are considered off label, they may have a higher co-pay. In Europe Dapagliflozin is approved to protect kidney function. Dr. Thomas also shared a new Ketone treatment protocol called STICH. 

Before trying STICH, change your insulin pump/reservoir and give a bolus. If the pump bolus doesn't bring your sugar down, or if testing shows you have ketones present, then shift to the STICH plan (stop SGLT2i if you are taking it):

STICH PROTOCOL (do all of these) 

1) Using aspart backup pen: give 0.1 units insulin/kg aspart bolus OR 1.3x normal carb ratio for 30g carb intake (varies by patient based on typical insulin use) 

2) Eat 30g carbs 

3) Drink at least 8 oz of water per hour 

4) Ignore pump correction recommendations (you need higher insulin doses).

5) Keep drinking water (8 oz or more) every hour and repeat full protocol every 2 hours.

WHY FOOD? Because eating allows higher dose insulin use and shuts down ketone production faster and more effectively.

If you develop nausea/vomiting or are unable to hydrate, go to the emergency room.

Dr. Thomas's full presentation is posted on our blog. 


San Diego Insulin Pumpers September 11th Meeting 

‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at

WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.

Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2. Tom will present his 2-minute tip

3. Evening presentation

4. After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Zoom Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.




Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions

Diabetes Net

John Walsh plans to release the 7th edition of his Pumping Insulin book this fall. Visit his website for updates on the book release at John will speak to the Pump Club in 2024.


Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at


• TCOYD (Taking Control Of Your Diabetes) transforms the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and events.

• Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP ( Advanced Placement Sessions). TCOYD will email you these sessions to watch at your convenience. They frequently drop new videos, so check it out!

• Dr Jeremy Pettus and  the Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI)

are looking for participants for future clinical studies. Check out the YouTube video by Dr Pettus

and the below link to add your name to the Study registry.

UC San Diego Clinical Diabetes Research Group

• Link for the UC San Diego Clinical Diabetes Research Group: diabetesresearch

• You'll find a wealth of diabetes and pumping information on the TCOYD website on the Online Resources page under Video Vault at this address:

• Dr. Edelman and Dr. Pettus have put up many videos to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. They also have videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


2023 Pumper Programs

11 Sep 2023: ONE Conference Highlights

09 Oct 2023: Medicare 2024 Insurance plan review with Kim Wetzel

13 Nov 2023: Tandem Pumps with Kerri Orr

11 Dec 2023: Holiday Dinner at Mimi's Cafe in Mission Valley

            Time: 5-8:30 pm

            Address: 5180 Mission Center Rd (across from the Best Buy)

 08 Jan 2024: Medtronic Pump Update with Luke Bailey


Upcoming Events

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter. If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!

Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events as they are announced.


Friday, August 4, 2023

August 14th Meeting: Dr. Robert Thomas on Kidneys

Don't miss the August 14th San Diego Insulin Pumpers ZOOM Meeting

WHEN: Monday, August 14th from 6:45 till 9:00 PM

TOPIC::Diabetes and Kidney Care

Dr. Robert Thomas​, Endocrinologist, MD and PhD

UCSD Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


THIS MONTH: Dr. Robert Thomas​ will tell us how kidney function relates to diabetes care, along with information on ADA updates, GLP1, beta bionics, and the latest on hypoglycemia awareness options. This is a not-to-be-missed meeting so bring your questions! 

LAST MONTH: Samuel Ripp, Afrezza Territory Business Manager ,updated us on Afrezza use. To contact Samuel go to the Manufactures Page on our blog.

In addition to his contact information, you'll find the names and phone numbers of pharmacies that stock Afrezza. Most traditional pharmacies are not set up to handle Afrezza orders. Check with your insurance before placing an order. You'll also find information on getting started and help with insurance coverage. 

Medicare patients with Traditional Medicare will have a $35.00 copay the same as insulin in vials. For Medicare Advantage ,check your formulary for tier copay.

For helpful information scroll through


San Diego Insulin Pumpers August 14th Zoom Meeting Access

‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.

Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2 minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Zoom Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.




Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions


Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at


TCOYD (Taking Control Of Your Diabetes) transforms the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and events.

• In-Person One Conference August 18-20, 2023 at the Paradise Point Resort. Registration is now open! Registration cost is $250.00.  This event is limited to 500 attendees and will sell out. Tickets are still available!

• Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP ( Advanced Placement Sessions). TCOYD will email you these sessions to watch at your convenience. They frequently drop new videos, so check it out!

• You'll find a wealth of diabetes and pumping information on the TCOYD website on the Online Resources page under Video Vault at this address:

• Dr. Edelman and Dr. Pettus have put up many videos to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. They also have videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


Fake Website Warning

Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid:


The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site. Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, bookmark our site.


2023 Pumper Programs

8/14  Dr. Robert Thomas Endocrinologist

9/11   ONE Conference Highlights

10/9   2024 Medicare Insurance plan review with Kim Wetzel

11/13  Tandem Pumps

12/11  Holiday Dinner at the Mission Valley Mimis Cafe


Upcoming Events

• TCOYD In-Person One Conference August 18-20, 2023 at Paradise Point Resort. Registration is open; the cost is $250.00

• Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!

Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events as they are announced.


Sunday, July 9, 2023

July 10th Meeting: Afrezza Use

 Don't miss the July 10th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM

WHAT:  Monday, July 10th from 6:45 till 9:00 PM

TOPIC: Afrezza Use

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


THIS MONTH: Sam Ripp, Afrezza Territory Business Manager, will update us on Afrezza use. If you have not tried Afrezza Sam will talk about best use of Afrezza and answer your questions.

LAST MONTH: Open Discussion. We discussed:

• Switching to steel-needle infusion sets.

• The YouTube video with Dr. Edelman and Dr Irl Hirsch that references long-term use of infusion sets.

• Managing other health issues with diabetes.

• Future speakers at Pump Club meetings.

• One Conference tickets  are still available.


San Diego Insulin Pumpers July 10 Meeting on Zoom

("Doors" open at 6:45 PM; meeting starts at 7 PM)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long-distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

We also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.




UCSD has created a study registry. For more information, click on the "San Diego Research Studies" page in the column at the right. This is a great organization where you can participate in studies relating to diabetes and other health conditions.


Taking Control Of Your Diabetes | Life With Diabetes Just Got Better

Transforming the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and events.

In-Person One Conference August 18-20, 2023 at Paradise Point Resort registration is now open!

Registration cost $250.00  This event is limited to 500 attendees and will sell out. Less than 160 tickets are still available!

Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP ( Advanced Placement Sessions). They will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience.  They recently dropped a new video, check it out!

The TCOYD website has a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the page Online Resources under Video Vault at this address: Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have several new videos there to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. There are also videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at


Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions


Fake Website Warning

Googling “San Diego Insulin Pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid:


The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, bookmark our site.


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2-minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking. We will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.


2023 Pumper Programs

7/10   Afrezza

8/14  TBA

9/11   ONE Conference Highlights

10/9  TBA

11/13  Tandem Pumps

12/11  Holiday Dinner Mimis Cafe Mission Valley location


Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events as they are announced.

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!


Friday, June 9, 2023

June 12th Meeting: Open Discussion

 Don't miss the June 12th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM

WHAT:  Monday, June 12th from 6:45 till 9:00pm

TOPIC: Loop and Learn

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


THIS MONTH: Open Discussion. Bring your questions and concerns for help and discussion. Have you noticed more people on TV shows with diabetes devices?

LAST MONTH: Tina Hammer from Loop and Learn (formerly called the SoCal Loopers)  spoke last month. Tina gave us an overview of DIY (Do It Yourself) Loop. DIY Loop or Looping has been in use for about a decade. The #WeAereNotWaiting – DIY movement (Nightscout Foundation) and the Nightscout software was created by a father who wanted more access to CGM data to manage his son’s diabetes and also provide him with more information to manage his diabetes when he went to college.

The Tidepool software based on the DIY algorithm-based software was approved by the FDA earlier this year. However, they have not announced any partnerships with pump or CGM manufacturers. Looping is a closed-loop algorithm that you personalize your diabetes management. There is an extensive support system available in Loop and Learn and Looped through Facebook. Help is available through posting questions on the Facebook page.

Loop and Learn videos on YouTube give great in-depth information about looping.

LoopDocs – Information on how to build, set up, and customize your looping software.

Loop Tips – Offers tips on Settings and Tips

Please feel free to reach out to Meera Venkatesh ( She currently uses the DIY Loop system.

FYI:  The TCOYD One conference on August 18-20th will have a beginner's and advanced session on DIY Looping.


San Diego Insulin Pumpers June 12 Meeting on Zoom

(‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

We also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.




Taking Control Of Your Diabetes | Life With Diabetes Just Got Better

Transforming the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and events.

Registration for the in-person ONE Conference, August 18-20, 2023, at the Paradise Point Resort is now open!

Registration cost $250.00. This event is limited to 500 attendees and will sell out. Less than 200 tickets are still available!

New on the website Access and Resource Center:  Video-drop AP (Advanced Placement) sessions. Sign up and they will email them to you to watch at your convenience. They recently dropped a new video. Check it out!

The TCOYD website has a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the page Online Resources (under Video Vault) at this address:

Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have put up several new videos to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes.There are also videos from previous online conferences.  Whatever your question, you'll probably find a video that addresses it.


Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions


Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at


Fake Website Warning

Googling “San Diego Insulin Pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.



The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, bookmark our site.


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2 minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.


2023 Pumper Programs

6/12  Open Discussion

7/10  TBA

8/14  TBA

9/11   ONE Conference Highlights

10/9  TBA

11/13  Tandem Pumps

12/11  Holiday Dinner at Mimi's Cafe in Mission Valley


Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter. If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information, let us know!


Saturday, April 8, 2023

April 10th Meeting: Tandem Pump – G7 Partnering

Don't miss the April 10th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM

WHAT:  Monday, April 10th from 6:45 till 9:00 pm

TOPIC: Tandem Pump – G7 Partnering

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.



Kerri Orr of  Tandem Pumps will update us on the G7 sensor partnering with the Tandem pump.

Bring your questions!


T1D Tech Boot Camp Summary

Tom had some great information and tips for the Pumpers that attended the Saturday April 1st Tech Boot Camp.

For those that use a Tandem Control I Q pump and want to use the new phone App features, check the 

Tandem website to see the list of phones models compatible with the T Connect App.

If you want or need to upgrade your IPhone and want a lower cost, check the website.Scroll to the bottom of the page to locate the link for refurished Apple products.

Great feature on t:connect: Below the Time in Range information it shows the current Basil Rate and Last Bolus time. This is helpful information when you are going to exercise.

The t:connect app is great for sharing information with your medical staff . You can give permission through the app without having to give them your  pump to  download data.

Make sure your auto update feature in your phone settings is on in order to recieve automatic updates to the t:connect app.

Keep the Health App on your iPhone updated with your current medical history and contact information including your primary care doctor and endocronolgist. 

The next Tech Boot Camp will be held right after our Holiday Dinner at Mimis Cafe on December 11th.

If you are a Medic Alert member, you should update your Medical history, vaccinations, and doctor contacts. Also consider ordering Medic Alert's new hashtag wallet card that gives emergency personnel your medical history when scanned. Medic Alert also sells a handy seatbelt-mounted holder that contains your medical information.



Dexcom North San Diego Business Manager Melanie Krauss and Senior Clinical Account Manager Sabrina Zaslov MS, RDN, CDDES updated us on the G7 sensor. The G7 sensor is the size of a quarter and only two quarters thick. The sensor applicator is smaller. The sensor information can be seen on your pump, phone ,or watch. In addition it has a 1/2 hour calibration period and a 12-hour grace period for replacing the new sensor. The G7 sensor is currently approved for children over 2 years old. The app will hold up to 90 days of data.and has a consistent sensor accuracy with a MARD of 8.2. The G7 sensor has a new adhesive;

Dexcom would like reports on adhesive reactions. This information is helpful to Dexcom and is also tracked by the FDA. The recomended sensor site location is on the upper arm; second option is the abdomen. G7 sensor are available to Medicare patients, Check with your supplier for availability. 


San Diego Insulin Pumpers April 10 Meeting on Zoom

(‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.



 TCOYD Virtual Conference Ace Your Diabetes Saturday April 15th 

In Person One Conference August 18-20, 2023 at Paradise Point Resort registration is now open!

Registration cost $200.00  This event is limited to 500 attendees so register early.

Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at

New on the TCOYD website Access and Resource Center

Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP (Advanced Placement Sessions), they will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience.  They recently dropped a new video, check it out!

Taking Control Of Your Diabetes | Life With Diabetes Just Got Better

Transforming the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and event...

Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions

Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at

Be on the lookout for fakes websites.  Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid:


The fake sites hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, Bookmark our site.

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!

There is also a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the TCOYD website on the page Online Resources under Video Vault at this address - Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have put several new videos up to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes.  There are also videos from previous online conferences.  Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2 minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.


2023 Pumper Programs

4/10  Tandem Pumps

5/8    SO CAL Loopers

6/12  Open Discussion

7/10  TBA

8/14  TBA

9/11   ONE Conference Highlights

10/9  TBA

11/13  Tandem Pumps

12/11  Holiday Dinner at Mimis Cafe 




In-Person One Conference August 18-20, 2023 at Paradise Point Resort

Registration is open Cost $200.00

Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events as they are announced.


Saturday, March 25, 2023

Reminder: Attend the San Diego Technical Boot Camp on April 1st


San Diego Insulin Pumpers

Tandem and Dexcom Technical Boot Camp

Date: Saturday April 1st

Time: 1-4 pm

Location: Community Room  of the Mira Mesa Library, 8405 New Salem Street

This event is for all Tandem pump and Dexcom CGM users.

Please register for this event by emailing

Include the issues you'd like help with.

Tom will be available to help you with:

• Tandem pump software updates for in-warranty pumps 

• Dexcom G6 and Clarity apps

• SugarMate App: Use and features

Be sure to bring your user name and password information.

Computers are available at the library to access the Tandem and Dexcom websites.

Friday, March 3, 2023

March 13th Meeting: Dexcom G7 Sensor Update

 Don't miss the March 13th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM

WHAT:  Monday, March 13th, from 6:45 till 9:00 pm

TOPIC: Dexcom G7 Sensor Update

As always, significant others, friends, and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting. We hold our meetings on the 2nd Monday of every month.


THIS MONTH: Dexcom G7 Sensor Update

Dexcom North San Diego Business Manager Melanie Krauss

Senior Clinical Account Manager Sabrina Zaslov MS, RDN, CDDES

Bring your questions!

LAST MONTH: In Open Discussion, we discussed basal rates, the TCOYD One Conference, travel bags for diabetes supplies (the Wherever EU Go bags are popular with pumpers), talking meters for the visually impaired, and the Walmart meter (a good choice). We also noted that the Loopers Tidepool app now has FDA approval.


T1D Tech Boot Camp for Tandem Pump and Dexcom Users

Date: Saturday April 1st

Time: 1-4 pm

Location: Mira Mesa Library, 8405 New Salem Street, in the Community Room

This event is for all Tandem Pump and Dexcom users.

Please register for this event by emailing

Include the issues you would like help with.

Tom will be available to help you with:

• Tandem pump software updates for in-warranty pumps 

• Dexcom G6 and Clarity apps

• SugarMate App: Use and features

Be sure to bring your user name and password information.

Computers are available at the library to access the Tandem and Dexcom websites


San Diego Insulin Pumpers March 13 Meeting on Zoom (‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

Using your computer, tablet, or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.



TCOYD Virtual Conference

Ace Your Diabetes Saturday April 15th

In-Person One Conference August 18-20, 2023

Paradise Point Resort

Registration now open!

Registration cost $200.00  This event is limited to 500 attendees so register early.

New on the TCOYD website Access and Resource Center

Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP ( Advanced Placement Sessions), they will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience.  They recently dropped a new video, check it out!

Taking Control Of Your Diabetes | Life With Diabetes Just Got Better

Transforming the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and events.

There is also a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the TCOYD website on the page Online Resources under Video Vault at this address - Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have several new videos up to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. They also have videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


Click "San Diego Research Studies" in the Pages list on the right for the participation details of this study.

Payment - $50 for Screening, $300 for Insulin Sensitivity visit 1, $300 for Cardiovascular visit 1 and dose 1, $50 for weekly dosing visits, $200 for Cardiovascular visit 2, $300 for Insulin Sensitivity visit 2, $300 for Insulin Withdrawal visit 1 and $50 for the final safety follow-up visit ( up to $1800).


Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at


Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions

Fake Website

Be on the lookout for a fake website.  Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid:

• FAKE: The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, Bookmark our site.


Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2 minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.


2023 Pumper Programs

2/13  Open Discussion 

3/13  Dexcom G7

4/10  Tandem Pumps

5/8    SO CAL Loopers

6/12  Open Discussion

7/10  TBA

8/14  TBA

9/11   ONE Conference Highlights

10/9  TBA

11/13  Tandem Pumps

12/11  Holiday Dinner Mimis Cafe 



Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events as they are announced.


Thursday, February 9, 2023

February 13th Meeting: Open Discussion

Don't miss the February 13th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM

WHAT:  Monday, February 13th from 6:45 till 9:00pm

TOPIC: Open Discussion

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


THIS MONTH: Open Discussion,  Bring your questions and concerns for help and discussion. We are considering an in-person Tandem Pumps Software Bootcamp with Tom. We will discuss possible Saturdays in March and April. Location TBA.

LAST MONTH: Open Discussion topics discussed future programs, clarity reports, time in range, blood pressure relating to cardiac, and kidney disease. 

Consult with your endocrinologist and ask for a kidney referral if you are concerned. Check out for salt options and favorite meter brands.

Contour Next and One Touch. Infusion site issues use extra tape to keep infusion set from pulling out and shifting tube under your skin.


San Diego Insulin Pumpers February 13 Meeting on Zoom
‘Doors’ open at 6:45 PM, meeting starts at 7 PM.

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.



UCSD Study GRA Study

Purpose - To test the effect a glucagon receptor antagonist (GRA), essentially a glucagon blocker, has on insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular health in people with type 1 diabetes.

Study Drug - REMD-477 35mg in .5mL of normal saline given subcutaneously.  REMD-477 is given here at the clinic once a week for 10-12 weeks.  There is a placebo for this study, so you have 50% chance of getting the study drug and 50% of getting placebo.

Study Length - Approximately 3.5 months.  15-17 total visits to the research clinic.

Main Procedures - Physical exam, vital signs, blood collection, cardiovascular tests, insulin sensitivity test and insulin withdrawal test.  The cardiovascular tests both measure the health of your blood vessels and are called FMD and EndoPAT tests.  The FMD uses an ultrasound to measure an artery in your upper arm and the EndoPAT measures the health of your capillaries in your fingers.  Both tests are non-invasive and take between 15-25 minutes each.  The insulin sensitivity test (also called a clamp) measures your bodies response to different rates of insulin infusion.  The test takes about 8 hours, we'll put in 2 IVs to give you insulin, dextrose and draw your blood.  You'll be in a private room, resting in a regular hospital bed during the testing.  The insulin withdrawal test measures your ketones over 6-8 hours after we suspend your insulin.  We'll put in 1 IV to monitor blood sugars and ketones and You'll be in a private room, resting in a regular hospital bed during the testing.

Payment - $50 for Screening, $300 for Insulin Sensitivity visit 1, $300 for Cardiovascular visit 1 and dose 1, $50 for weekly dosing visits, $200 for Cardiovascular visit 2, $300 for Insulin Sensitivity visit 2, $300 for Insulin Withdrawal visit 1 and $50 for the final safety follow-up visit ( up to $1800).


Erin Giovannetti MSN, FNP-C

Office- (858) 246-2169

Cell- (949) 698- 2169

Altman Clinical and Translational Research

Institute (ACTRI)

9452 Medical Center Drive

La Jolla, CA 92037



In-Person One Conference August 18-20, 2023 at Paradise Point Resort. Registration is now open!

Cost $200.00

New on the TCOYD website Access and Resource Center

Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP ( Advanced Placement Sessions), they will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience.  They recently dropped a new video, check it out!

Taking Control Of Your Diabetes | Life With Diabetes Just Got BetterTransforming the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and event...

There is also a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the TCOYD website on the page Online Resources under Video Vault at this address - Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus have put several new videos up to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes.  There are also videos from previous online conferences.  Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions


Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at

Fake Website

Be on the lookout for a fake website.  Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid:

• FAKE: The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, Bookmark our site.


Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2 minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.


2023 Pumper Programs

2/13  Open Discussion 

3/13  Dexcom

4/10  Tandem Pumps

5/8    SO CAL Loopers

6/12  Open Discussion

7/10  TBA

8/14  TBA

9/11   ONE Conference Highlights

10/9  TBA

11/13  Tandem Pumps

12/11  Holiday get together?



Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events as they are announced.


Friday, January 6, 2023

Jan 9th Meeting: Open Discussion

Don't miss the January 9th meeting of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers via ZOOM

WHEN: Monday, January 9th from 6:45 till 9:00 PM

TOPIC: Open Discussion

As always, significant others and any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


THIS MONTH: Open Discussion

Bring your questions and concerns for help and discussion.

LAST MONTH: Open Discussion

We discussed Kidney Disease and diets. Check out for salt options. 

Nate Feinstein wants golfers to know there are free golf lessons on Saturday afternoons at Jr's South Bay Golf Center 3631 Bonita Rd 619-426-2069.

Tom's favorite gluten-free bakery is The Gluten Free Baking Company Collective at 2647 Adriane Drive,  San Diego 92117. It's just north of the Costco on Adriane off Moreno Blvd. 

You can now safely update your iPhone to IOS 16 to bolus on the t:connect® app.

Jean recommends checking out the online university Health libraries for updated information on Health conditions. Look at summaries or conclusions of articles. You can access Morris Cancer center through UCSD.


Zoom Meeting Access

San Diego Insulin Pumpers January 9 Meeting on Zoom (‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:

+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#

Enter # for Participant ID if asked

Passcode: 220374#

If you need help setting up Zoom, Tom will be monitoring his email during the meeting and can walk you through any trouble spots.  Email him at .

WE also STRONGLY encourage you to review the free video tutorials on the Zoom website.  Once logged in, go to:  Zoom Help Center > Getting Started > Training OR go to Resources > Video Tutorials.  There you will find information about Zoom Meetings and Webinars.




Purpose: To test the effect a glucagon receptor antagonist (GRA), essentially a glucagon blocker, has on insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular health in people with type 1 diabetes.

Study Drug: REMD-477 35mg in .5mL of normal saline given subcutaneously.  REMD-477 is given here at the clinic once a week for 10-12 weeks.  There is a placebo for this study, so you have 50% chance of getting the study drug and 50% of getting placebo.

Study Length: Approximately 3.5 months.  15-17 total visits to the research clinic.

Main Procedures: Physical exam, vital signs, blood collection, cardiovascular tests, insulin sensitivity test and insulin withdrawal test.  The cardiovascular tests both measure the health of your blood vessels and are called FMD and EndoPAT tests.  The FMD uses an ultrasound to measure an artery in your upper arm and the EndoPAT measures the health of your capillaries in your fingers.  Both tests are non-invasive and take between 15-25 minutes each.  The insulin sensitivity test (also called a clamp) measures your bodies response to different rates of insulin infusion.  The test takes about 8 hours, we'll put in 2 IVs to give you insulin, dextrose and draw your blood.  You'll be in a private room, resting in a regular hospital bed during the testing.  The insulin withdrawal test measures your ketones over 6-8 hours after we suspend your insulin.  We'll put in 1 IV to monitor blood sugars and ketones and You'll be in a private room, resting in a regular hospital bed during the testing.

Payment: $50 for Screening, $300 for Insulin Sensitivity visit 1, $300 for Cardiovascular visit 1 and dose 1, $50 for weekly dosing visits, $200 for Cardiovascular visit 2, $300 for Insulin Sensitivity visit 2, $300 for Insulin Withdrawal visit 1 and $50 for the final safety follow-up visit ( up to $1800).


Erin Giovannetti MSN, FNP-C
Office (858) 246-2169
Cell (949) 698- 2169

Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI)
9452 Medical Center Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037




Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at


Taking Control Of Your Diabetes

Transforming the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and events.

Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP ( Advanced Placement Sessions), they will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience.  They recently dropped a new video, check it out!

TCOYD also has a wealth of Diabetes and Pumping information on the TCOYD website on the page Online Resources under Video Vault at this address:

Dr. Edelman and Dr. Pettus continuously post new videos up to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. They also have videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.

Upcoming TCOYD Events

In-Person One Conference August 18-20, 2023 at Paradise Point Resort


Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions


The Juicebox podcast and website ( is an amazing source of information on how to learn about, live with, and and manage your diabetes.

Scott Benner interviews folks who live with diabetes and diabetes experts. He provides podcasts that cover topics such as Defining Diabetes, Bold Beginnings, Diabetes Variables, After Dark, Mental Wellness, Ask Scott and Jenny, Algorithm Pumping, the Defining Thyroid series, and more. You have time to listen because you can listen with your phone while you're exercising or doing housework.


Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information,  let us know!


Look Out for Fake Websites

Be on the lookout for a fake website.  Googling “san diego insulin pumpers” gets you several hits with fake names.

• Valid:


The fake site hijacked our name and contains old content lifted from our site.  Don't give them any information!! Before going to a site, first check for our valid name, or better yet, Bookmark our site.


Zoom Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions  We will have 2-3 minutes per person. We encourage you to write down and prioritize what you would like to say leaving out extraneous details: How you are coping, your stress levels, if you need supplies, etc.

2.  Tom will present his 2 minute tip

3.  Evening presentation

4.  After the presentation, if time permits, we will then answer questions brought up.  Because we have limited time, please limit your answers again to 3-5 minutes so we have enough time as some members have to leave at the stated end time.

Some members may be available after the meeting (like in person) so you can get more clarification then.

Meeting Etiquette

Be respectful of person speaking, we will MUTE those that interrupt! Side conversations can be held while someone is speaking via a text chat window. There is a feedback window on the bar. Click on the Clap icon or Thumbs Up icon to give speaker feedback.  Depending on which method you use to join the meeting, the window may look different.


2023 Pumper Programs

Jan 9th:  Open Discussion 

Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events as they are announced.
