Monday, December 4, 2023

December 11th Meeting: Pump Club Holiday Dinner at Mimi's Cafe

 Don't miss the December 11th Holiday Dinner of the San Diego Insulin Pumpers!

WHEN:  Monday, December 11th, 5–9 PM

WHERE: Mimi's Café

LOCATION: 5180 Mission Center Rd San Diego, Ca 92108

As always, significant others, any friends and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


Starting  in 2024 we will hold in-person/Zoom hybrid meetings!

We look forward to meeting our local folks in person and seeing our out-of-town folks via Zoom.

WHERE: The Board Room of the Sharp Spectrum Building in Kearny Mesa at 8695 Spectrum Center Drive. The board room has been totally remodeled with new technology updates.

The main entrance is locked at 6 PM so security will buzz us in through the side door off the lobby.

WHEN: 7-9 PM

The room will be open at 6:30 pm for visiting before the meeting.  


THIS MONTH: Holiday Dinner at Mimi's Café at 5180 Mission Center Rd across from the Best Buy on Monday December 11th from 5- 8:30 PM. Please contact Margi at by December 8th to reserve your seat. We will meet in the Vineyard private dining room. This is a drop-in event; family and friends are welcome. Order what you want off the menu (separate checks).

We will have free TCOYD One Conference swag bags along with TCOYD conference T shirts for all attendees.

Tom will be available for technical help with the following issues after dinner: Dexcom G6, Dexcom Follow, SugarMate, Apple Watch and IPhone updates, and installing or setting up Tandem tconnect or t:slim updates on your pump. He will have several computers to help with your updates. Make sure you have your passwords with you.

The donation of Tandem pump supplies, Omni Pod 5 pods, and Novolog insulin will also be available at Mimi's. See the complete list below under Announcements.

LAST MONTH: Kerri Orr (San Diego Territory Manager)  and Rebecca Ponchetti (Clinic Trainer) showed us the newly released Mobi Pump. They both wear the Mobi. It is small enough to fit in the coin pocket of your pants or you can attach it to your clothes with a clip case. You can also wear it in a sleeve attached to your skin.

The Mobi uses a wireless charger, is half the size of the Tandem TSlim pump, and is 7% smaller than an Omni Pod .The cartridge holds 200 units of insulin and has the option of 5 inches of tubing (when worn attached to your skin) or 23 inches of tubing (when not attached). You control it through your IPhone (no Android yet).

In-warranty Tandem pump users can upgrade to a Mobi for $199; contact Tandem for details. Tandem has a free 90-day trial on all its pumps.

The G7 Tandem pump software update has started its limited release. Emails to current users will be sent out in December. In addition to being able to use either the G6 or G7 Dexcom sensor, the update will have a timed setting from 30 minutes to 8 hours in the exercise mode.

Kerri encourages us to call Tandem with any complaints or suggestions regarding the Tandem pump software. They use our feedback to include in changes and updates to the software.

See the Pump Manufacturers > Tandem Pump page for links to Tandem classes and Virtual Office Hours.



Donations Needed

We need financial donations to purchase a connection device to interface with the Spectrum meeting room for our hybrid Zoom meetings. Tom will have more information about the device needed and the cost at the Holiday party. Estimated cost is $100. We are asking for donations to purchase it so our meetings can run seamlessly. Contact Margi 

Emergency Supplies Available 

We have been given the following to distribute to pumpers:

• 15 boxes of Tandem Pump Varisoft Infusion sets

• 4 boxes of Tandem cartridges

• 3 boxes of 5 pens each of Novolog (7/25 expiration). 

• Omni Pod 5 pods (3 boxes of 5 pods each)

* 5 vials of Novolog insulin (4/25 expiration)

• 5 pens of Glargine long-acting insulin (expiration 2/25)

• 1 box of BD Ultra Fine 8mm pen needles

Take this opportunity to add to your emergency supplies.


Review the latest information presented at the 82nd American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions.

Diabetes Net

John Walsh plans to release the 7th edition of his Pumping Insulin book this fall. Visit his website for updates on the book release at John will speak to the Pump Club in 2024.


Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at


• TCOYD (Taking Control Of Your Diabetes) transforms the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and events.

• Sign up on for their new Video Drop AP ( Advanced Placement Sessions). TCOYD will email you these sessions to watch at your convenience. They frequently drop new videos, so check it out!

• Dr Jeremy Pettus and  the Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI)are looking for participants for future clinical studies. Check out the YouTube video by Dr. Pettus and the below link to add your name to the Study registry. UC San Diego Clinical Diabetes Research Group

• Link for the UC San Diego Clinical Diabetes Research Group:

• You'll find a wealth of diabetes and pumping information on the TCOYD website on the Online Resources page under Video Vault at this address:

• Dr. Edelman and Dr. Pettus have put up many videos to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. They also have videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


2024 Pumper Meetings

08 Jan: Medtronic Pump Update with Luke Bailey

12 Feb: Omni Pod Pump Update w/ Conner Mariani

11 Mar: Tandem Pump Software Update with

     Kerri Orr and Rachael Ponchetti


Upcoming Events

TCOYD One Conference August 16-18th

Please let us know of upcoming Zoom meetings or forums so we can include them in upcoming newsletters.  Distance doesn't matter.  If you think we can get helpful, knowledgeable, factual information, let us know!

Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events as they are announced.


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