Tuesday, May 7, 2024

May 13th Meeting: Open Discussion

 Hello Fellow Pumpers!

Join us for the Monday May 13th In-person/ Zoom hybrid meeting. 

For those who are unable to attend in person, please join us via Zoom. The meeting link is posted below. The meeting will be held at the Sharp Spectrum Building in Kearny Mesa. 

Join us via Zoom or in-0person at 8695 Spectrum Center Dr from 7-9 pm. We will meet in the boardroom off the main lobby. The room will open at 6:30 pm for visiting before the meeting. 

The main entrance is locked at 6 pm so security will buzz us in through the side door off the lobby.

As always, significant others, friends, and family supporters are always welcome at the meeting.  Our meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month.


THIS MONTH: Open Discussion: Bring your concerns and questions! 

LAST MONTH: Conner Mariani, Territory Manager for Insulet/Omnipod, presented Omnipod updates. Omnipods are a pharmacy benefit so it's possible to order and try them out without impacting your tubed pump and supply orders. The Omnipod Dash does not  partner with any sensor products and can be used for looping. The Omnipod 5 is currently approved for use with Libre sensors. 

Approval to use Omnipod with a Dexcom 7 sensor is expected later this year. Omnipod currently has an Android phone app, while an iPhone app may be available by the end of the year. Contact information for Connor and Adriana Valencia, Clinical Trainer, and training information is posted on our Pump Club blog (sdinsulinpumpers.blogspot.com) on the Omnipod manufacturer page.


Supplies Donation Policy

We have implemented a Donation Policy due to the increase in supplies being brought to the meetings. 

As of the May meeting, please email Margi at margit7@att.net with a list of the items you wish to share with the group. 

The list must be received before the 28th of the previous month so it can be included in the newsletter. Interested Pumpers can contact me to request supplies. Please include the brand, model information, and expiration date. You will need to bring your items to the meeting or interested pumpers can email me and I will pass on their request to you. Any supplies remaining at the end of the meeting must go home with you; they can be included in the next month's newsletter.


Zoom Instructions

San Diego Insulin Pumpers May 13 Meeting on Zoom (‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699

Passcode: 220374

Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:

Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:
+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)

Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#
Enter # for Participant ID if asked
Passcode: 220374#



Donated Pump and Sensor Supplies Available 

This is an opportunity to add to your emergency supplies. We have 2 boxes of Tandem pump Varisoft infusion sets, 5 boxes of AutoSoft 30 infusion sets, 5 boxes of Guardian 3 sensors, 3 boxes of 10 Dash Pods, several boxes of Omnipod 5 pods, 3 pod controllers, and a large bag of 300 mm syringes and needles for filling cartridges. 

Contact Margi if you would like any of the supplies at margit7@att.com. We also have swag bags from the 2023 TCOYD One conference and a box of men's and women's TCOYD T-shirts.

Sharps Disposal

California has a state program to dispose of your sharps. Visit SharpsTakeBackCalifornia.org > Select "Order A Sharps Mail-Back Package" > Click Submit. This is a free program. For information visit SharpsTakeBackCalifornos.org or call 844-482-5322.

Diabetes Net

John Walsh plans to release the 7th edition of his Pumping Insulin book this fall. Visit his website (http://www.diabetesnet.com) for updates on the book release. John will speak to the Pump Club in 2024.


Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at https://sdinsulinpumpers.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=10bf3478ca168b1633b80832c&id=c666201218&e=41c11995d6.


• TCOYD (Taking Control Of Your Diabetes) transforms the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and events.

• Sign up on TCOYD.org for their new Video Drop AP ( Advanced Placement Sessions). TCOYD will email you these sessions to watch at your convenience. They frequently drop new videos, so check it out!

• You'll find a wealth of diabetes and pumping information on the TCOYD website on the Online Resources page under Video Vault at this address: https://sdinsulinpumpers.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=10bf3478ca168b1633b80832c&id=c7c2c732ee&e=41c11995d6.

• Dr. Edelman and Dr. Pettus have put up many videos to help you improve your blood sugars or help you cope with diabetes. They also have videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.


Future 2024 Pumper Meetings

13 May     Open Discussion
10 June     TBA  


Upcoming Events


• DYF Youth and Adult summer camp programs  Sequoia Details on their page on our blog

• TCOYD One Conference August 16-18th  Registration is now open! Cost is $200.00 until May 30th .After that, registration will cost $250.00.


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