Hello Fellow Pumpers!
We look forward to seeing you in person if you are in the San Diego area or via Zoom.
Also, check out our newsletter and diabetes resources on our blog at sdinsulinpumpers.blogspot.com.
IN PERSON: We hold our in-person meeting at the Sharp Spectrum Building in Kearny Mesa at 8695 Spectrum Center Drive from 7–9 pm. We have a new meeting space at the Sharp Spectrum building. Starting in January 2025 we moved to a new boardroom. It is on the left side of the main lobby and has an outside direct entrance from the parking lot. The room will open at 6:30 pm for visiting before the meeting. The walkway to the outside entrance is located in front of the handicap parking and has a railing along the sidewalk.
VIA ZOOM: Please join us via Zoom if you can't attend in person. The meeting link is posted below. As always, significant others, friends, and family supporters are welcome at the meeting.
We hold our meetings on the 2nd Monday of every month from 7-9 pm.
We have everybody from Tandem for this meeting!
• Both San Diego Tandem Sales Reps: Molly Yarcusko for North County and Kerri Orr for San Diego.
• Both Tandem Clinical Trainers: Rebecca Ponchetti for North County and Elise Edward for San Diego.
This is a great opportunity to meet the whole San Diego Tandem team. Bring your questions!
Matt Besley, Senior Territory Business Manager for Beta Bionics, gave a detailed presentation on the features of the iLet pump. The iLet pump is great for everyone. It partners with Dexcom G6 and G7 sensors and also with Libre 3Plus sensors. It accepts prefilled cartridges of Fiasp insulin (recommended because it's faster acting). Matt's contact information is on the Pump Club blog along with other links for the iLet pump
Zoom Instructions
San Diego Insulin Pumpers March 10th Meeting on Zoom (‘Doors’ open at 6:45, meeting starts at 7 PM)
Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699
Passcode: 220374
Using your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:
Or one-tap dial in from a smartphone:
+16699006833,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,85498856699#,,,,*220374# US (Houston)
Or dial in from any home or business phone (long distance charges may apply):
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 854 9885 6699#
Enter # for Participant ID if asked
Passcode: 220374#
Volunteers Needed
We need help managing the distribution of our monthly pump club newsletter. A new mailing list needs to be created along with emailing the monthly newsletter. This task could be shared among more than one person. Newsletter distribution is done the first week of every month, usually before the 5th. Contact Margi with any questions margit7@att.net.
2025 Pump Club Programs
* 3/10 Tandem Pumps
* 4/14 Open Discussion
* 5/12 Melanie Kraus, Dexcom
* 6/9 TBA
* 7/14 Open Discussion
* 8/11 TBA
* 9/8 Gina Arconti, Omnipod
* 10/13 Kim Wetzel, Medicare Insurance Update
* 11/10 TBA
* 12/8 Holiday Dinner
Pump and Sensor Donations
We have a new donation of Dexcom G6 sensors. There will be 9 sensors available at the March 10th meeting.
We still have (4) boxes of 5 pens each of Tresiba long-acting insulin pens: 2 boxes expire 1/25, 1 box expires 3/25, and 1 box expires 5/25. These are great to use when taking a pump break. All will need to be picked up in Escondido.
Contact Margi at margit7@att.com if you need any supplies.
Sharps Disposal
The link has been corrected. California has a state program to dispose of your sharps. Visit SharpsTakeBackCalifornis.org > Select Order A Sharps Mail-Back Package > Click Submit. This is a free program. For information, visit SharpsTakeBackCalifornia.org or call 844-482-5322.
Breakthrough T1D ( formally JDRF)
Visit the JDRF Virtual Sessions about new developments and Hypoglycemic Unawareness at https://sdinsulinpumpers.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=10bf3478ca168b1633b80832c&id=c666201218&e=41c11995d6.
TCOYD (Taking Control Of Your Diabetes) transforms the way people live with and manage diabetes through the best live conferences, programs, and events.
Sign up on TCOYD.org for their new Video Drop AP ( Advanced Placement Sessions). TCOYD will email you these sessions to watch at your convenience. They frequently drop new videos, so check it out!
You'll find a wealth of diabetes and pumping information on the TCOYD website on the Online Resources page under Video Vault at this address: https://sdinsulinpumpers.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=10bf3478ca168b1633b80832c&id=c7c2c732ee&e=41c11995d6.
Dr. Edelman and Dr. Pettus continually post new videos to help you improve your blood sugars or cope with diabetes. They also have videos from previous online conferences. Whatever your question, you will probably find a video that addresses it.
TCOYD Events
ONE Conference: Save the date! August 8-10, 2025.
Registration is open! Early bird registration is $200 until 4/30
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